​அகத்தியர் அறிவுரை!

​அகத்தியர்அறிவுரை! "பொறுத்திரு! எல்லாவற்றுக்கும் காரணம் உண்டு. அதைப் புரிந்து கொள்ளும் சக்தி உனக்கேதடா. பாவத்தை செய்தவன் சந்தோஷமாக இருக்கிறான் என்று எண்ணாதே. அவனுக்கு பகவான் எந்தசமயத்தில் எப்படி தண்டனை தருவார் என்பது யாருக்கும் தெரியாது. சித்தர்களும், முனிவர்களும் தான் இதனை முன் கூட்டியே அறிவார்கள்.ஒரு நல்லவனை, ஒரு தீயவன் ஏமாற்றுகிறான் என்றால், நல்லவனின் பாபத்தை எடுத்துக் கொண்டு, தீயது செய்கின்றவன் தன்னிடம் இருக்கின்ற சிறிதளவு புண்ணியத்தை அந்த நல்லவனிடம் ஒப்படைகின்றான் என்று பொருள். இந்த கருத்தை மனதில் வைத்துக்கொண்டு உலகில் அனைத்தையும் பார்க்க​ப் பழகிவிட்டால், அனைத்தும் மிக எளிதாக, மிக நீதியாக தோன்றும்." சித்தன் அருளால் நடந்த திருவிளையாடல்கள் இந்த தொகுப்பு! எல்லா அகத்தியர் வகுப்பிலும் படிக்கலாம்!

Tuesday 26 October 2021

சித்தன் அருள் - 1045 - குருவுக்கு நமஸ்காரம்!

குருவே சரணம்!


  1. பல நபர்களின் வாழ்க்கையில் அகத்தியரின் அருள் கிடைக்க வழி காட்டிய உன்னதமான ஆத்மா.அடியேன் வணங்குகிறேன்.

  2. Guruve charanam
    Guruvukku namaskaram.

  3. அகத்தீசாய நம நன்றி அய்யா

  4. ஓம் குருவே போற்றி
    ஓம் குருவடி சரணம்
    ஓம் வயநமசி
    ஓம் ஸ்ரீ லோபாமுத்திரா சமேத அகத்தியர் திருவடிகளில் சரணம்

  5. குருவிற்கு என் அநேக நமஸ்காரங்கள்!

  6. குருவே சரணம்
    குருவே சரணம்
    ஓம் நமசிவாய🙏🏻

  7. குருவே சரணம்
    குருவே சரணம்

  8. Dear Devotees of Agastyar,posting interpretation of Lord Siva arul vakku given on last Poornima,in Kashi.

    part 1

    20. 10. 2021 On the new moon day, the Aadi Siddhan Lord Shiva is giving a general oracle.

    The place is Sangakarai, Kashi.

    Kashi = Ka+Shi = kakkum Sivan=Protector Shiva (in Tamil)

    I'm Panchakshar Shiva who is saving 7x2 worlds, that is 14 worlds. I'm giving an oracle.

    What does the word Kashi mean? Kashi means Shiva who protects. People should realise this.

    I'll see everything provided they come to me. But people don't realise their state.

    They go to seek untrue things. And then they realise the truth. And then they come to me. But before coming to me they commit more and more sins and heap more and more karmas for themselves. Then what is the use of coming to me.

    If they come to me I'll slowly and little by little dissolve karma. For this,Siddh Purushas will also support and also renders some remedial measures to the people.

    Siddh Purushas believed human beings a lot and were cheated. This is the truth.

    To change this state I myself will wake up many of the Siddh Purushas from their Jiva Samadhis and bring them to the surface of the earth. They will save the people of the world. Hereafter there is no place for lie in this world. I will myself punish the dishonest people using dishonest people. They will not be able to save them. Many people will say that they will save the people. But they will not be able to do anything. Man always misbelieves that Agastya will support even the dishonest people. These people pretend that Agastya is their Guru.
    Agastya will do everything for them. How will he do?

    If one has good heart, good character, broad mind, no envy, then Saint Agastya will help. But my question is “What did the disciples do for Agastya?" Not even a single disciple respects Saint Agastya. They are making their livelihood by using the name of Saint Agastya. But there is no use. These people say that Agastya is their father. What had they done for their father? They are cheating all other people. It is true. Oh unfaithful people, You correct yourself. You are not able to see inside yourself. Why are you trying to see inside other people's life? First you see yourself. You yourself are not permanent. You are seeking temporary things. Is it a right thing you are doing? Try to correct yourself. Pray God and ascend to the higher world. You are not real saints and you don't deserve anything more. The saints will give enough knowledge to you. In every era l'm seeing human. But only in this era (Kalyug) I could see many dishonest people. False things will be praised and get fame in this world. True things will suffer disrespect. Man is perishing man. Man is jealous of another man. But mother earth is bearing everything. Within a short period she will quake.

    Man wants to increase the population of his community. He wants to earn fame for his community. He wants to serve only people belonging to his own community. These are all major misdeeds of human. But I'm keeping account of each and everyone and each and everything. Beautiful things were created by God. Dishonesty will dominate even more in the future.

  9. Part2

    How many of the people in this world know Saint Agastya? You just study Agasthiyan 12000. By this you will be able to know about the greatness of Saint Agastya.

    Also there are many books hidden in Kashi. Kashi means the Protector Shiva. If you come to Kashi, I will vanish all your karmas very soon.

    But many people are lying that some shrines are equal to Kashi. Why are they lying like this?

    You have to pray, "Oh Lord Shiva, Namah Shivay, Please call me once to Kashi. You have to take me to Kashi." I will myself take you to Kashi. But people think that after committing all the sins, they can get rid of karmas by mere taking bath in Kashi. Oh! Lowly creatures, please correct yourself.

    I have given everything to you. But you don't know how to use them. You have perished everything and you are approaching me. You don't have even a single quality to approach me. Siddh Purushas will appear here and there. Good people will be able to see them and feel them. Now also there are many Siddh Purushas in Kashi who are doing meditation. What is the purpose of man's birth? Towards what is he travelling? It is very important to follow ethics and morality in this Kalyug. God will come. He will give indications before coming. You are seeking the things which are not permanent. Try to seek the one which is permanant.

    Saint Agastya is not happy with the activities of the dishonest people in the world.

    Siddh Purushas for many yugas have taught man the right way of living. So in the ancient peiod man could see God directly. In Kalyug also man can see God directly. But man doesn't have the quality to see God.

    But he goes behind remedial measures. Why should they do remedies? Why should they follow remedial measures? If a man commits a crime and does some remedies won't he get the punishment? Actually problems will increase when one follows the remedial measures. The reason is that man prays God without even knowing how to pray. I have blessed you with intelligence. You first try to know what is truth and what is lie. Even today lies are more powerful. If you seek false things you will be perished. You yourself are rushing towards the end. If you study the path of destiny you can definitely win over your destiny. If you develop the good qualities in you for that, I myself will change the destiny in your favour. If you go steadily and survive all adverse conditions, following ethics and morality in your life, I will change your destiny in your favour.

    Come to Thiruvannamalai. It is a blessing to see Natraj in Chidambaram. It a blessing to see Lord Shiva in Thiruvayyaru. I will call honest people to Kailasha. will tell from Kailasha what are the incidents going to happen in the future.

    He thinks that his life is going on in a good manner. But the happiness is
    only for a short period. Man should not think of anything except God.

    Why man took birth. Why did he grow? Why he passes away? Why he takes birth again? Is he living peacefully? No!

    Man is creating everything. He is creating everything for perishing himself. He will face many problems in the future to realise this.

  10. Part3

    Then Siddh Purushas will guide how to live. They will call man towards them. When we call "Oh! Agastya, Oh! Mula, Oh! Bhujanda,” The Siddh Purushas will come towards us happily. But we should have suitable qualities for that. When we realise that God is cause for everything, then Siddh Purushas will spread their arms and welcome us.

    Groups of people who tell lies will roam here and there. They will talk untrue things. They will spread untrue spirituality and untrue concepts about God. But everything is going on for a reason.

    In Kalyug people will not follow ethics and they will lead an immoral life. Morality saves the life and immoral deeds put man into death. Thiruvalluvar praised and appreciated morality. I created morality in the world. Try to understand the Shiv Puraan writen by me. Read and read. Narrate it to others. If you understand this, Maanikkavaasagar will also help you. If you improve your quality, I too will help you.

    Till now Siddh Purushas are waiting for an honest disciple. But men are still dishonest. Siddh Purushas will create a new atmosphere in this world. Some people will follow the paths of Siddh Purushas and change the world gradually. At last Lord Krishna will come. Lord Krishna himself had told this. There are many subtle secrets in that. Who should know these secrets? Through whom? Where should they ask for the secrets? I will explain everything in Kailasha. Oh man, you are going behind worldly pleasures which are not permanent. When are you going to seek the one which is permanent?

    First you think about yourself. Then you think about others. Then only God will come towards you. Oh man! You are committing all sins. Then try to live
    happily. And when you start facing difficulties, you are wearing Rudraksh. Is it fair? Will it favour you?

    I am watching everything Man perishes himself because of envy. I am watching everything happening in this world.

    People chant Na Ma Shi Va Ya and pretend to be great saints. But they don't realise that Shiva is there. Try to correct yourself. Otherwise diseases will dwell inside you.

    Many people are performing pujas for Lord Shiva but only to earn money. For that reason they suffer from diseases. But they don't realise their mistakes.

    Now I will explain how positive changes can take place in this world. At first, people have to follow morality. I have told this many times. Siddh Purushas have also told this many times. The world will be saved only if it is followed correctly. After that only some positive changes will happen in this world. If the earth shakes, then you have to fall down.

    Siddh Purushas are telling again and again that God is the one who is permanent. But people are not realising this. Lord Shiva will surely come and the true devotees will be able to feel his presence. But many people will not be able to realise it. Saint Agastya is also searching all over the world for a few good people.

    Man will be punished by the things he had created by himself. Man is doing charity. But if the real purpose is charity, then it is appreciable. After doing chrity, one should not feel arrogant of being in such a level that he is able to do charity. So he should not reveal that he has helped someone. Lord Shiva has helped everyone. But does he reveal this to other people? Obey the orders of Lord Shiva and surrender yourself to Him. This only will help them. Advertisements are not needed. Advertisement is not needed for truth. Only false and fake things need advertisement for surviving. Don't fall into deception through Advertisements. Everywhere injustice is happening in this world.

    Is human going to reform human?

    What have you really done for the world? What have you done so far to save dharma? I say from Kailasha, "Oh man !

    Reform yourself. Time is passing with diseases. Think of Lord Shiva wholeheartedly. Millions of Siddh Purushas are meditating in Kashi. I will myself call you and make you get rid of curses. Chant Na Ma Shi va Ya whole heartedly. I will deliver my next oracle from Kailasha.
